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Getting Started.

Updated: Feb 1

Sitting down to write this blog, I had no idea where I was going to begin. It was seeing the combined words "getting started" on the screen that made me realize that my story on the road to photography started a year ago, on New Years day.

I had had big ambitious plans to wake up early new years morning, drive into Kamloops to start a 6am hike with strangers, to watch the first sun rise of the new year. Fortune wouldn't have it that way though. Having recently returned from working in the Yukon 3 months prior and starting over, I had recently met some new friends in my life I was excited to get to know better. Celebrating with them and offering to be DD turned in to be a 4am morning return home. I decided to do my hike a little closer, with my dog, and make the day a little more personal.

I made my way down to a place I had yet to explore, even though it was in the near by town located to me, Chase creek falls. It was a beautiful snow covered afternoon having packed a thermos of tea, and snacks, it turned out to be both a refreshing and relaxing day adventure.

Little did I know that this exact place was going to be my place of employment for the summer, and that the particular job offer I would accept would remind me of my love for photography, and yet spawn the idea of taking it more seriously as a possible career.

What job oppurtunity might that be? A local business in Chase, BC called Treetop Flyers. Now some of you may have heard of it. It's the closest zip-line company located to Kamloops and the Shuswap area. They are known well for their excellent customer service and all around fun, and exciting atmosphere.

It was there that I would meet and interact with people from all different places of the world. Hear travel stories and about their life and what particularly brought them to treetop that day. It was inspiring to learn of their adventures and see their eager excitement to add this one to their list. I personally was amazed at how many people with a fear of heights booked tours. If you ever get an opportunity to help someone get over a fear, or steps in that direction, I recommend it. It's a tremendous feeling to see the look of happiness and awe that can occur when one has accomplished something, they weren't certain they could do, and you played a part in that.

It was all of those emotions that we photographed along the tours, and that if timed right, could be capture in but a moment, that reminded me how rare these moments occur. Coming to this realization and that everyone has a story in one way or another they want to share, again inspired me to want to continue to help people document it, whether it be for themselves, personal growth, or loved ones to remember.

Life can be fleeting, spreading inspiration and joy is important from time to time, and I hope I can become a part of that.

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